Replacement matte lunchbox latch

Planet Box Replacement matte lunchbox latch


Product description

Each PlanetBox comes with an easy to use and adjust latch.    The latch should keep the lid firmly closed.  These spare latches are available if the latch becomes misplaced or hard to adjust.

Latches are different sizes depending upon the style/size of lunchbox.   Rover has 5 compartments.  Launch has 3 compartments.  Shuttle has 2 compartments.   Please see graphic above to determine if your lunchbox is polished or brushed.

(PlanetBox products contain small parts and are not intended for children under 3 years of age.)

Weight:0.0625 lbs
Includes:1 latch
Materials:Stainless steel
Care and Use:Dishwasher safe PlanetBox products contains small parts and are not intended for children under 3 years of age.

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